The Joker is a fictional character who appears in Christopher Nolan’s 2008 superhero film The Dark Knight, based upon the DC Comics character and supervillain of the same name. He was played by Australian actor Heath Ledger. A psychopathic criminal mastermind and mass murderer with a warped, sadistic sense of humor, the Joker is hired by Gotham City’s mob bosses to kill the vigilante Batman.
Joker Heath Ledger
$ 30.00 – $ 500.00
Dimensions | N/A |
Print Size | Rectangular 10cm x 15cm, Rectangular 13cm x 18cm, Rectangular 21cm x 30cm, Rectangular 30cm x 40cm, Rectangular 40cm x 50cm, Rectangular 50cm x 70cm, Rectangular 61cm x 91cm |
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